Money is a large part of daily life! We make it and spend it all the time, so learning about the worth of different coins is a must. By utilizing our art skills, we can make learning values fun!
What you need:
- Colored pencils
- Quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies
- White computer paper
What you do:
On a table, spread the various coins out underneath a sheet of white computer paper. Have the child use their fingers to feel on top of the paper for the different coins. When they find one, have them use a colored pencil to rub the imprint of the coin onto the paper.
Once they can clearly see their coin rubbing, ask if they know what coin it is and how much it is worth. After they’ve located all the coins and created all the coin rubbings, remove the coins from underneath the paper and have them match the actual coin to the coin rubbing!
Questions to consider:
- Are bigger coins worth more money?
- How many pennies would be equal to one dime?
- How many nickels would be equal to one quarter?
Why it works:
With this activity, children not only develop their fine motor skills, but also learn about money along the way. Coins are a great starting point for learning about the worth of different types of money and how we spend it. Additionally, coins teach math skills as well, with adding and multiplying to reach the value of one coin with another.