Family Characteristics That Help Halt Summer Learning Loss  

Family Characteristics That Help Halt Summer Learning Loss  

Family Characteristics That Help Halt Summer Learning Loss   268 201 admin

Did you know that “on average, students lose about 2.6 months’ worth of grade level equivalency in mathematical computation skills during their summer break,” says It’s called summer learning loss and that’s a pretty scary number, considering the school year is only a little more than three times that long.

Why does this matter to a college site? Because the enrichment children do or do not receive in the summers of their elementary years have a huge impact on how well they’ll do in secondary school, higher education and later life. If you want to close the achievement gap and make sure your kids maintain critical math and reading skills over the summer break, here are a few crucial characteristics you can prioritize as a family.

Taking Educational Trips

Going to the zoo, museums or just the park engages kids with the world around them. Reading signs, counting animals and getting away from television and video games has real learning results. Families that prioritize educational outings can really make a difference in halting summer learning loss.

Going to the Library

There’s no better way to keep reading skills up than giving students access to plenty of material. Heading to the neighborhood library is fun and free, and kids come home with lots of wholesome material to entertain them afterward. Where possible, make reading together a huge priority as well.

Using Summer Learning Programs

The ThinkStretch Summer Learning Program is specially formulated to match grade levels. Each program is a complete system that comes with grade-specific workbooks, parent guides, achievement medals, parent engagement nights and a culminating ceremony. That way, you can bring all the motivation of the traditional classroom to learning over the break and mitigate summer learning loss.

Of course, summer learning programs aren’t the only way students can maintain their math and reading skills. Where possible, you should combine learning programs with valuable outings that enrich kids and help them keep their skills sharp. Doing so will help close that achievement gap and get them to college, so they have the opportunity to choose the most fulfilling life for them.

Stop Summer Learning Loss

Download our sample summer workbook and program information kit.  Let’s stop summer learning loss together!