20 Fun Winter Activities for Kids


20 Fun Winter Activities for Kids

20 Fun Winter Activities for Kids 268 201 admin

Winter days can be short and long all at the same time! And finding fun things to do to fill the time can be tough. But there are some great winter activities that everyone in your family can enjoy. So if you’re looking for winter activities that are a blast for you and your kids, here is a list of 20 favorite things that are best done on a cold winter’s day!

  1. Have a snowball fight
  2. Make ice marbles
  3. Build a snowman
  4. Grow your own snowflake
  5. Catch snowflakes on your tongue
  6. Make a snow angel
  7. Make Marshmallow tinkertoys
  8. Collect pine cones
  9. Feed the birds
  10. Make paper snowflakes
  11. Have a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup
  12. Follow tracks in the snow
  13. Bake cookies and share them with friends
  14. Make snow cream
  15. Read a favorite book
  16. Take a bubble bath
  17. Complete a jigsaw puzzle
  18. Celebrate the shortest day of the year!
  19. Donate a gently used toy to a charity
  20. Mail a handwritten card to a friend